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Does anyone know how to set the DBConsole to use a mono-spaced font?

asked 18 Aug '11, 11:46

pasha19's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 25 Aug '11, 09:02

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

I may have named dbconsole incorrectly there is only one panel -- it's from the restore of the lightening sysicon for the database engine. I am writing log (debug) messages out using tabs (spacing), etc to align data and the variable font face makes the spacing inconsistent with a monospaced font in an editor when accessing the data from the console log file later.

(23 Aug '11, 13:19) pasha19
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Ahh.... Didn't see this post.

So let me get this straight. You're trying to create a custom log file.

I have NO idea where that font would be set. I'll give it a look and see if I can find anything.

Jeff Gibson

(24 Aug '11, 20:03) Jeff Gibson
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For the record, the font used by dbconsole "should" be pulled from the operating systems Appearance settings (advanced). This is what allows the SQL Anywhere utilities to change to the theme that is applied to the machine that you are running it on.

So if you need a larger font overall, you should be able to change it there and that change should be rendered in the utility the next time you run it.

Or maybe I should say..... This is how it "SHOULD" work. I went back and forth with the SQL Anywhere development team when the Java version of Sybase Central was relatively new because it didn't follow Windows standards that had been laid out for Windows applications.

Let me know if that works for you. I'm going to try and check my machine later on tonight.

Jeff Gibson
Intercept Solutions - Sybase SQL Anywhere OEM Partner
Nashville, TN

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answered 24 Aug '11, 19:54

Jeff%20Gibson's gravatar image

Jeff Gibson
accept rate: 20%

Jeff your recommendation (if it worked that way) in the last solution would provide the result I want. I will see if a reboot fixes it later but currently only the window title changed.

(10 Sep '11, 13:34) pasha19
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Absolutely let me know the results of what you have seen!!

(20 Sep '11, 04:02) Jeff Gibson

I can change all screen fonts (menu, title bar, message box text, etc) except for the application font through the windows dialog you indicated -- this applies equally to Windows XP and Windows 7.

(10 Oct '11, 11:02) pasha19

You can change fonts under linux -- an os option. Now I figured out I also want to change the tab default too. -- added it to the dbconsole enhancement issue.

(07 Nov '13, 14:37) pasha19

Obviously this is not a direct answer to your question, but you could either output the log to a text file with the startup switches on the DB or alternatively write the messages that would go into the log to a text file bypassing the log altogether using string variables and unload selects. You would have much more control over formatting at that point, but you would also have external files to deal with.

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answered 24 Aug '11, 22:16

Siger%20Matt's gravatar image

Siger Matt
accept rate: 15%

Agree. Especially if you run db server as windows service then there are no GUI console at all. So logfile is a good choice.

(25 Aug '11, 04:12) AlexeyK77
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These are the startup switches to write the log to a file.
Quoting Breck's comment from this question

-o filespec1.txt -oe filespec2.txt -os 1M is a good combination for production. The -os 1M keeps the file size manageable for browsing with Wordpad etcetera. For a service the filespecs probably have to have the full path.

Writing just your messages to an alternate file would be coded by you for each thing that you wanted to track using string variables and then unload select.

(25 Aug '11, 08:49) Siger Matt

There is no way to change the font used by the SQL Anywhere Console (dbconsole).

Can you tell us which panel you wanted to view with a monospaced font? (Connections, Properties, and/or Messages)? Is the default font not readable?

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answered 22 Aug '11, 11:07

Chris%20Irie's gravatar image

Chris Irie
accept rate: 46%

I may have named dbconsole incorrectly there is only one panel -- it's from the restore of the lightening sysicon for the database engine. I am writing log (debug) messages out using tabs (spacing), etc to align data and the variable font face makes the spacing inconsistent with a monospaced font in an editor when accessing the data from the console log file later. PS I have also had success writing them to the console log file using the parameter indicated.

The following is the code I used (in a self contained script file)

MESSAGE '>>>> ConsoleLogFileON.sql' TYPE INFO TO CONSOLE; -- -- Establish ConsoleLogFile, if necessary -- //CREATE VARIABLE l_consolelogtext char(128) = 'ConsoleLogFile'; //CREATE VARIABLE l_consolelogfile char(128) = ''; CREATE VARIABLE l_consolelogtext char(128); CREATE VARIABLE l_consolelogfile char(128);

SET l_consolelogtext = 'ConsoleLogFile'; SET l_consolelogfile = '';

SELECT PROPERTY ('ConsoleLogFile') INTO l_consolelogfile;

MESSAGE String ('>>9> ConsoleLogFile ', l_consolelogfile) TYPE INFO TO CONSOLE DEBUG ONLY;

IF l_consolelogfile = '' THEN SET l_consolelogfile = 'Y:message.clf'; CALL sa_server_option (l_consolelogtext, l_consolelogfile); END IF;

DROP VARIABLE l_consolelogtext; DROP VARIABLE l_consolelogfile;

(10 Sep '11, 13:40) pasha19
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question asked: 18 Aug '11, 11:46

question was seen: 3,494 times

last updated: 07 Nov '13, 14:37