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I've noticed, the the EBF has as size of 459 MB, while the previous one ( was 229 MB. Any ideas why this substantial change has happened?

asked 16 Aug '11, 03:30

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%


Extracting the files from the self extracting exe gave new insights: the content is 240 MB, which is no significant difference to 3356. So it looks like something went wrong when the SFX archive was created

(16 Aug '11, 03:40) Reimer Pods

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It turns out that a change we made to our build process caused two copies of each file to be including in the self extracting zip file effectively doubling the size of the archive. We are readying the next EBF for posting soon and will have the problem fixed before the next version is posted.

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answered 16 Aug '11, 13:52

Bill%20Hillis's gravatar image

Bill Hillis
accept rate: 66%

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question asked: 16 Aug '11, 03:30

question was seen: 1,706 times

last updated: 16 Aug '11, 13:52