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I am just following instructions for running a sample code and one such instruction required that I execute "dbsrv11.exe". When I looked into the Bin32 file it had all files except "dbsrv11.exe". What could be the problem and how would I go about getting it on the folder?


asked 22 Jun '11, 13:21

MM123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What type of install did you use? Depending on the license that you have purchased your license may not allow you to use the network server (aka dbsrv11). As long as you are not needing to communicate over a network - i.e. just local machine client-server communication - then you can replace dbsrv11 with dbeng11 (the personal server).

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answered 22 Jun '11, 13:31

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

Thanks. But it doesn't have dbeng11 too. And yes, I don't need to connect over the network. Is there any other file I can look at?

(22 Jun '11, 14:23) MM123
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Is it possible that you used a 11.0.0 license key when installing 11.0.1? If this is what you did then you need to talk to your sales rep and get a different license key because the 11.0.0 license key will not work (properly) on a 11.0.1 install.

(22 Jun '11, 14:31) Mark Culp

How can I find out which license key was used from the settings? Is there a way?

(22 Jun '11, 14:35) MM123

Or do you have a file rteng11.exe? That would be the "Runtime engine" instead of the full product...

(22 Jun '11, 17:39) Volker Barth

AFAIK there is no way of getting the license key from installed software. How did you get your version of SQL Anywhere? Volker has a good comment: perhaps you only have the runtime edition of SA? Also, what exact version (and build) of SA do you have?

(23 Jun '11, 10:28) Mark Culp
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question asked: 22 Jun '11, 13:21

question was seen: 3,532 times

last updated: 23 Jun '11, 10:28