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Hi there, I'm using Perfmon to monitor my database server's performance, and i'm noticing that "Requests: Active" doesn't go any higher than 2.

VM with 4 processors, 2 cores each, 32GB of Memory.

Database 11.01 x64: -gt 2 -gtc 8 -gn 100, license only allows for 2 CPUs, so i'm going to modify the VM to be 2 CPU with 4 cores each. (Experimenting for best performance)

The requests element is sometimes well in to the thousands, but only 2 requests remain active at any given moment.

I would like to see a lot more active requests open because the server's resources aren't really being used and users complain of slow searches, etc.

Another question I had in regards to remoteput waits. When this number increases, does the server basically pause until the remote client receives all of the data? Would high remoteput waits slow performance down for all users or just the user receiving the data?

Thanks so much for the help.

asked 10 Nov '12, 11:51

SJ_Innovator's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Confirm that perfmon is telling the truth by running this query: SELECT PROPERTY ( 'ActiveReq' );

The 'Req' property is cumulative so it's pretty meaningless unless you compute changes over time (requests per second), which is something Foxhound does for you...

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ActiveReq = 2 indicates a server that is either idle or starved for resources... sometimes "starved for resources" can be explained by inappropriate VM settings or usage.

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answered 10 Nov '12, 13:28

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 10 Nov '12, 13:56

Thanks Breck, I'm going to look deeper in to the stats this week.

(12 Nov '12, 02:28) SJ_Innovator
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question asked: 10 Nov '12, 11:51

question was seen: 2,308 times

last updated: 12 Nov '12, 03:05