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All of a sudden, the whole first page is filled with [closed] questions... that's not right :)

asked 09 Jun '11, 06:53

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

...and much of that (and the pros and cons of closing questions) has been discussed here...

Obviously Graeme is about to close some "meta-sqla" questions - to cite himself:

Questions that are sqla-specific can be closed.

Well, I don't mind:)

(09 Jun '11, 07:08) Volker Barth
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You are missing the point... I don't care that the questions are being closed, I care (and object to) the fact that they suddenly appear at the top of the list, ahead of open questions. It's like saying "I washed the floor" is more important than "My house is on fire".

(10 Jun '11, 09:15) Breck Carter

No, I don't think that I'm missing the point... that cited discussion has dealt with the particular aspect, too.

And apparently we both had and still have the strong impression that the current "setting on the top" behaviour makes closing questions more annoying then helpful...

Besides that, I like the comparison:)

(10 Jun '11, 09:28) Volker Barth

The main page is sorted by most recent "activity" on the question, where "activity" is any change that affects the question, including answering, commenting, editing (the question, answers, or comments), retagging, or changing status. To be able to ignore retagging or closing questions on the front page, I'd need to store a second date in the database for most recent "important" change, which would be answering, commenting, or editing.

Not saying this is impossible or even terribly difficult, just that it's non-trivial and not at the top of the priority list. Consider this a "maybe".

permanent link

answered 09 Jun '11, 07:38

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

edited 09 Jun '11, 09:36

LOL - Great edit comment:)

(09 Jun '11, 09:39) Volker Barth

Why not have a checkbox "Show closed questions" which by default is unselected?

(09 Jun '11, 14:52) PhilippeBert...
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question asked: 09 Jun '11, 06:53

question was seen: 1,271 times

last updated: 10 Jun '11, 09:28