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Using Win32, I'm trying to start a database server with a configuration file that contains tool-specific commands, something like

# start engines with given database key
#if tool=dbsrv12,dbeng12
  -ek "mysecret"

Unfortunately, that does not work. Obviously the tool names used for the server - namely "dsbsrvX" and "dbengX" - are not recognized as documented. If I add an #else part, then that part is used.

However, it seems that the executable's name without the version-specific suffix does work, i.e.

#if tool=dbsrv,dbeng
  -ek "mysecret"


Is the documentation or the implementation wrong in that respect - or am I doing something wrong?

asked 15 Apr '11, 08:56

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

The tool names for the servers do not include the version numbers, so:

  • the personal server (dbengX) tool name is dbeng
  • the network server (dbsrvX) tool name is dbsrv
  • the runtime engine (rtengX) tool name is rteng
  • the mobilink server (mlsrvX) tool name is mlsrv

I have made a comment on the 12.0.1 DCX documentation page stating the correct tool name (aka utility-name) for these servers

permanent link

answered 15 Apr '11, 09:16

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 15 Apr '11, 09:21

Thanks for the quick information - that will immediately go into production:)

(15 Apr '11, 09:22) Volker Barth
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question asked: 15 Apr '11, 08:56

question was seen: 2,199 times

last updated: 15 Apr '11, 09:22