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Now and then, it's handy to use a link in a comment, say, to connect to DCX or some blog article.

However, I have not yet found a way to insert a "clickable" link - they just show up a simnple text and therefore, have to be copied and pasted. Even inserting a HTML <href> doesn't seem to work. Obviously, that's not as comfortable as using links in questions and answers.

Now that we are used to formatting comments, is there a way to insert links, too?

asked 05 Apr '11, 03:38

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

closed 09 Jun '11, 06:44

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Graeme Perrow 09 Jun '11, 06:44

The 'Link' in this help section works fine for me Markdown basics.

It's also at the bottom right of this page, I tried adding an example but it keeps converting it to a link :-)

ah like this [Google](

permanent link

answered 05 Apr '11, 05:10

Daz%20Liquid's gravatar image

Daz Liquid
accept rate: 28%

edited 05 Apr '11, 05:23

So you say the following should work:

Breck's blog

(05 Apr '11, 05:14) Volker Barth
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Thanks for the pointer, it does indeed!

BTW, I used

[Breck's blog](
(05 Apr '11, 05:17) Volker Barth

I think we're both editing too fast for each other :-)

(05 Apr '11, 05:19) Daz Liquid
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Well, I just noticed I can even edit comments (at least those I have made on this page). Don't know if this is a new feature or one I haven't noticed so far.

(05 Apr '11, 05:21) Volker Barth

I think it's been there for a while.

(05 Apr '11, 05:28) Daz Liquid

Yes, but it seems to disappear after a certain time (some minutes, I guess). E.g. now the edit button is gone for my comments above.

(05 Apr '11, 07:03) Volker Barth
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question asked: 05 Apr '11, 03:38

question was seen: 1,099 times

last updated: 09 Jun '11, 06:44