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Try this Google Search... openstring

It produces pages and pages of useless hits.

One problem is that Google is picking up unrelated text from the "Related Questions" pane. In my opinion, the "Related Questions" section is just a waste of screen real estate and can be eliminated.

Another problem is that Google is picking up "Questions Tagged With xxx - SA Forum BETA" pages... are those pages left over from testing?

asked 03 Apr '11, 08:22

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Hmm, I find the "related questions" not that useless. It often invites me to look for similar topics. I can't tell whether this really helps me finding better answers (as there are still not that much Q&As here at all) or just makes me curios - but my impression is that the related questions here seems to fit better than they did in the SQLA site (until they were disposed of because of the similar google search problems).

(03 Apr '11, 12:02) Volker Barth
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That being said, I prefer to use the integrated forum search facility (though this has its own limitations)...

(03 Apr '11, 12:03) Volker Barth

Also, please fix the "all questions rss feed" of the forum. The following link seems to be not producing any results.

All Questions

Should i post this as a new question?

(09 Apr '11, 05:57) Kumar
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question asked: 03 Apr '11, 08:22

question was seen: 1,074 times

last updated: 09 Apr '11, 05:57