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Not really a big deal, but I just got a mail notification of a new answer by Breck to a question I had answered, too. Following the link within the mail, I notice that answer isn't there.

The only conclusion is that is has been deleted in the meantime, and Breck's profile (recent activity) confirms that.

In order to not get confused, an "answer deleted" notification migt be helpful:)

*And beware: You can edit and delete questions and answers but you can't influence their contents once they have been spread around via notifications...

asked 15 Mar '11, 06:04

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 18 Mar '11, 11:25

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

The question still says "1 hour ago Breck Carter1.1k" on the main page too, even though there is no edit, or answer from him.

permanent link

answered 15 Mar '11, 06:32

Daz%20Liquid's gravatar image

Daz Liquid
accept rate: 28%

Yes, somewhat confusing too, but there was a contribution from Breck. AFAIK the same behaviour happens with deleted comments.

(15 Mar '11, 06:41) Volker Barth
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question asked: 15 Mar '11, 06:04

question was seen: 1,807 times

last updated: 18 Mar '11, 11:25