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I am using ASA 17.0.11, build 7458 and I see that help doesn't work in tools like Interactive SQL or SQL Central. Does anyone know solution, or I have to go manually to help portal and search there?

Regards Tomaž

asked 07 Jan, 14:27

Tomaz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If it is for the SQL reference, then go to here: and download the pdf (right-top of the page says Download PDF)

permanent link

answered 08 Jan, 02:09

ArcoW's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Yes, as the "integrated help" in the SQL Anywhere tools refers to DCX and that was closed (as announced) on 2023-12-31, I guess the next SQL Anywhere EBF will have to adapt the links to the now only valid source, i.e. the SAP Help Portal.

That being said, I still pretty regularly use the (now somewhat outdated) 17.0.4 locally installable help, which can still be downloaded here.

permanent link

answered 08 Jan, 04:19

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 08 Jan, 04:23

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question asked: 07 Jan, 14:27

question was seen: 980 times

last updated: 08 Jan, 04:23