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The 17.0.11 SP1 docs state for the ALTER DATABASE RESTORE CACHE statement:

The effect of the statement is the same as that of calling the sp_read_db_pages system procedure for each dbspace with the bitmap stored in the prefetch_column of the SYSDBSPACE system view.

Question: Does this run in the background? The sp_read_db_pages() procedure has an optional "in_background" parameter but AFAIK the docs don't tell whether this parameter is set as default or not, and therefore it's not clear for ALTER DATABASE RESTORE CACHE either.

We think about using that statement within a database start event if cache contents has been stored beforehand (as noted in SYSDBSPACE.saved_cache_pages), say for a regular restart. However, it should NOT disturb the database's availability, so background processing would be strongly favoured.

asked 11 Nov '22, 04:26

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Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Any information from the doc team would be appreciated... :)

(22 Nov '22, 01:10) Volker Barth
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question asked: 11 Nov '22, 04:26

question was seen: 504 times

last updated: 08 Dec '22, 06:10