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We were trying to request SAP SQL Anywhere Authentication Signatures for a customer's OEM version by following the documentation:

The confirmation after filling out the form says “Thank you” and to expect an email within 48 hours.

Now, more than 10 days have passed, but we have neither received the signature, nor any feedback about it. Can we expect an answer / signature by email? Or what happens now?

Thank you, Helga

asked 07 Dec '20, 08:27

Helga's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I will follow-up on this request.

(07 Dec '20, 08:57) Chris Keating

Can you contact mike DOT paola AT sap DOT com who can address this for you. Please include the Company Name, Application Name values that were used on your initial request. It might also be helpful to provide the CBSS (Customer Bill-Ship-Sold To) number if available to facilitate with the request.

(07 Dec '20, 09:11) Chris Keating

Thank you - I will do that. best regards, Helga

(07 Dec '20, 14:17) Helga

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answered 07 Dec '20, 15:29

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Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 07 Dec '20, 08:27

question was seen: 941 times

last updated: 07 Dec '20, 15:29