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When I try to upload images to the forum using the insert image button (either png or jpeg) I get "Error uploading file. Please contact the site administrator. Thank you. notifications/virusfound.html" after I have selected the file.

asked 28 Sep '20, 07:29

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

edited 28 Sep '20, 07:31

All uploaded files are scanned by a virus scanner when they are uploaded. But this past weekend's system maintenance seems to have disabled the virus scanning software. I have a ticket open with SAP IT to get it re-enabled.

permanent link

answered 28 Sep '20, 08:46

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

Thanks Graeme

(28 Sep '20, 08:54) Justin Willey
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AFAIK it's been altogether impossible to upload images to the forum for the past few years... but I admit, I haven't bothered trying in that period.

What I have done, is upload images to other sites (e.g., and post IMG links to those locations.

(28 Sep '20, 09:28) Breck Carter
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Ahh, I thought it was just non-image files (eg plans) that were the problem.

(28 Sep '20, 10:03) Justin Willey

So you havent' noticed the lack of images in all posts except those by Breck? :)

(29 Sep '20, 06:44) Volker Barth
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question asked: 28 Sep '20, 07:29

question was seen: 718 times

last updated: 29 Sep '20, 06:44