Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is well and staying healthy.

Just wanted to check in on things again. Obviously it looks like the Waterloo division is staying up to date on pushing out updates for the SQL Anywhere 17 product line. Up to service pack 59 is not a bad continuation of SQL Anywhere 17.

I have seen where ASE has been pushed out now to where it looks like it would be 2030 before we would not have a product road map.

Long story short, we have some new products we have in the queue development wise. Would like to use (or continue to use) SQL Anywhere within these environments. Has SAP put SQL Anywhere on the roadmap for new versions?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks Everyone!

Jeff Gibson
Intercept Solutions
Nashville, TN

asked 22 Jul '20, 14:13

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Jeff Gibson
accept rate: 20%

As to road maps, see this FAQ from last year...

(22 Jul '20, 17:04) Volker Barth
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Thanks for the heads up Volker. I actually couldn't access the document through my S-ID that I got from SAP. Either way, I did search and found a copy of it on another website. At least it looks like they are still working on a road map for it. Would still like to find out how far out that road map goes.

(22 Jul '20, 17:23) Jeff Gibson
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Wellll, as this seems to stay unanswered, this raises a further question:

Is there still a SAP SQL Anywhere Product Management department, and if so, does is take part in this forum (as it certainly has done)?

(12 Aug '20, 05:22) Volker Barth

Yes, our Product Management team's responsibilities include SQL Anywhere. As mentioned above, we continue to be active in providing updates for the product (in the form of PLs/SPs). Enhancements focus on our core autonomic data management capabilities, performance, modern hardware/OS advancements, and continued SAP integration. Although the Product Availability Matrix (PAM) reflects mainstream maintenance dates on current versions, note that SAP policy requires mainstream maintenance for a product to be extended unless there is an upgrade path to a successor product. In the case of SQL Anywhere this would mean the SQL Anywhere v17 EOMM date would need to be extended beyond Dec 31, 2025 or a successor product (such as a new major version of SQL Anywhere) would need to be available to provide an upgrade path.

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answered 12 Aug '20, 12:19

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accept rate: 20%

converted 13 Aug '20, 11:38

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Volker Barth

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question asked: 22 Jul '20, 14:13

question was seen: 3,314 times

last updated: 12 Aug '20, 12:32