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We are adding new interfaces to our existing system (built on SQL Anywhere 17) so that we can communicate with another systems, and we want to do this whole data-transfer process from within our SQL Anywhere 17 (web clients, so we are consuming the available REST APIs existing in another system).

We are doing this since several months and we are satisfied with the results.

We have a problem that we can't call PATCH requests (for updating the prices on the other system for example), and this is because the TYPE clause in the CREATE FUNCTION Statement offers only four methods (POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD) as http-type-spec-string!

Our current workaround is to delete the price and create a new one (DELETE + POST) but this can't be always a safe choice without consequences!

asked 04 Apr '20, 20:14

Baron's gravatar image

accept rate: 48%


Just to understand (I have not used REST APIs with SQL Anywhere yet, probably as I'm more familiar with SOAP), but in my understanding PATCH is usually meant for partial updates (i.e. you just specify those values that have changed) - wouldn't it be an "easier" workaround to use PUT instead of DELETE and POST? I guess you will have to provide all values of the entry both for POST and PUT...

(05 Apr '20, 08:27) Volker Barth
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The webservice to which we are connecting is a foreign system for, so we are consuming the available services.

I don't have a full documentation of the available webservices, and so far I am using only few webservices on this system.

I find it anyway nice to have the PATCH method also available in SQL Anywhere.

But good to mention the difference between PUT and PATCH

(05 Apr '20, 18:10) Baron
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question asked: 04 Apr '20, 20:14

question was seen: 945 times

last updated: 05 Apr '20, 18:10