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Despite all the REALY NICE THINGS about SQLA, I am.

asked 27 Jan '10, 21:57

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

edited 11 Jan '14, 07:49

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

I almost responded with "What's a conversation? SQL Anywhere has transactions, are you asking about nested transactions?" :)

(27 Jan '10, 22:14) Breck Carter

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Justin Willey 27 Mar '11, 15:56

I'm not missing them, but I'm biased.

What I do like, is the huge difference between comments and answers in SQLA. In the NNTP newsgroups many threads are all cluttered up with "responses" that are non-answers: requests for more information, "what's the build number?", exhortations that "you shouldn't do it that way in the first place", off-topic thread drift, and the always lovable "Me too! I want to know that too!".

All of those non-answers are PERFECTLY OK, and in SQLA you can put them all in comments.

In the newsgroups (and eventually, here too) busy people will practice "cyberspace triage". They will ONLY READ questions that don't already have answers. That is very common in busy newsgroups, I practice it all the time in the SQL Anywhere newsgroups when I'm busy, or, when I really want to do something else like go swimming.

In the newsgroups, the first person to post ANY response OWNS that question, as far as answering it is concerned, if everyone else who COULD answer the question is practicing cyberspace triage.

What that means (are you still with me here?) that someone who is not 100% sure of the answer will often not post ANY response, just so their non-perfect response doesn't drive away other people who really DO know the answer.

No such problem with SQLA... all the non-perfect responses go in comments. In the newsgroups, you can't tell a response from an answer.

BTW, you can use the @username: notation in comments to direct your comment at some specific previous comment.

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answered 27 Jan '10, 22:11

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

I'm with Breck. I love the 'flow' of things on SQLA.

I honestly haven't browsed the newsgroups that much (especially for SQLA), yet I'm here just about every single day.

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answered 27 Jan '10, 22:27

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen
accept rate: 25%

I see Justin's point, though I generally agree with Breck and his reasons.

And the nested conversations in newsgroups are often difficult to follow (and often get scrumbled in different readers anyway).

Therefore, the distincion between responses and comments seems senseful to me. What I am missing about comments is that they cannot be formatted and edited. - And that by itself is a clear sign that formatting and editing answers and responses is a huge advantage for SQLA over newsgroups.

I stand corrected with formatting in comments: At least bold and italics seem to work - see below:)

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answered 28 Jan '10, 10:15

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Oh, and I like to retag:)

(28 Jan '10, 10:16) Volker Barth

Oh, and I like to write comments:)

(28 Jan '10, 10:17) Volker Barth

Oh, and it seems VERY reasonable that nonsense like that can easily be distinguished from real answers.

(28 Jan '10, 10:18) Volker Barth

You can "edit" comments... by deleting and re-adding. Yes, that's kludgy. But... and this is a big but... it beats NNTP :)

(28 Jan '10, 12:30) Breck Carter

One reason it's kludgy is that when you delete and re-add an old comment, it moves down to the bottom. Still better than not editing anything, ever, like with NNTP.

(28 Jan '10, 12:33) Breck Carter
Comment Text Removed
Comment Text Removed

What I like about SE SQLA is: you'll never have to bother about top or bottom posting, and with comments you may add your grain of salt to any existing answer or comment.

In some cases though I found it irritating that answers are not necessarily in chronological order, but by number of upvotes.

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answered 28 Jan '10, 14:22

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%


You can re-sort so that answers are always oldest-first or newest-first. Right above the first answer, click on the "Oldest" or "Newest" tab.

(28 Jan '10, 14:35) Graeme Perrow

Now THAT hint from Graeme is something about the interface that I had totally missed. It satisfies my occasional desire to follow a "thread" from the beginning. The comment deserves an upvote! :-)

(28 Jan '10, 15:25) Chris Kleisath

I overlooked it too, thanks Graeme for the hint!

(29 Jan '10, 16:54) Reimer Pods

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question asked: 27 Jan '10, 21:57

question was seen: 2,953 times

last updated: 11 Jan '14, 07:49