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Hi, when i register OEM Edition, the command dbisql -nogui -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql" myscript.sql will make response "Authentication violation, how can i fix this error.

Otherwise, when i used this command with dbisqlc utility,the exception did not occur?

asked 18 Aug '19, 23:51

tampv2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

DBISQL is self-authenticating. If a DBISQL connection is reporting a -98 error, it is either

  1. the database_authentication option has not be set in the database. The behaviour in this case is that there is no grace period for the connection.
  2. the dbisql being used is an initial major or minor version from some older versions of SQL Anywhere. I do not recall the affected versions but I recall 2 cases where the self authentication was not working correctly. Both cases were addressed in the first patch to the affected releases.

Please note that you cannot execute the database_authentication for a database that is running on an OEM edition. You either have to create the database on a non-OEM edition or provide an appropriately configured authenticate.sql that is used by create database (refer to the documentation for details).

We are aware of some embedded SQL usage that may not enforce authentication. This will likely explain why DBISQLC is not affected.

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answered 19 Aug '19, 06:01

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

Thanks for answering! I tried placing the command below, but the same exception happened, which means that, when I execute the command below, perform the same response "Authentication violation".

SET TEMPORARY OPTION CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION='Company=xxx;Application=xxx;Signature=xxx'

(19 Aug '19, 23:08) tampv2

That confirms (or at least strongly suggests) that the database_authentication option has not been set in the database. You cannot set that option on an OEM engine. The authenticate.sql file can be used to supply the database_authentication option when creating a database on an OEM engine.

(20 Aug '19, 07:56) Chris Keating
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question asked: 18 Aug '19, 23:51

question was seen: 2,082 times

last updated: 20 Aug '19, 07:56