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I have a sybase 17 db file. When i am trying to connect to it in node.js is ok. but when i am trying to connect to it in Docker " docker run " I ma getting error. "Error: Code: -2004 Msg: Can't initialize DBCAPI"

asked 25 Jun '19, 05:36

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what dependencies to do you have in the container? Are all of them met. Is the architecture of the image & libraries correct? What is the connection string?

(25 Jun '19, 08:29) Vlad

This error is reported when the DBCAPI library cannot be loaded by the sqlany_initialize_interface method. The library is dbcapi.dll on Windows and libdbcapi or libdbcapi_r on other platforms (with the suitable library extension for the platform). Optionally, the path to the library can be supplied to the method. Otherwise, the location is resolved with the SQLANY_API_DLL environment variable or using the OS path. Make sure that Docker is configured so that the DBCAPI library can be found.

(25 Jun '19, 10:05) Chris Keating
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thank you Chris, How can i the Docker configured?. i hasnot viel experience with the docker

(26 Jun '19, 05:54) salwa
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question asked: 25 Jun '19, 05:36

question was seen: 1,142 times

last updated: 26 Jun '19, 05:54