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We are having an issue with oracle where the initial mobilink synchronization takes a long time. We know the cause is related to oracle but oracle cannot differentiate between a initial synchronisation and an incremental synchronization.

As a workaround we were thinking of having 2 different download/upload queries for initial/incremental sync.

Is this possible?

Thanks !

asked 20 Feb '17, 06:20

vdcey's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%


AFAIK, it is possible, but I guess you should not let ML sync with both publications in the same run.

What about using only one publication but two different script versions for both tasks?

(20 Feb '17, 06:55) Volker Barth

that's a good idea !! I'm going to see if this is possible !

(20 Feb '17, 07:19) vdcey
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if this is possible

Using one publication with two script versions certainly is possible, it's what you need to do when supporting schema changes. Here you might start syncing with an "initial script version", and having successfully sync'ed with that, use then ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION ... SET SCRIPT VERSION ... to use the "normal" script version lateron.

(20 Feb '17, 07:54) Volker Barth

but oracle cannot differentiate between a initial synchronisation and an incremental synchronization

Is that is a problem with the intial download generation? Does Oracle make no use of the default "last_download" value ( 1900-01-01) to distinguish both?

(20 Feb '17, 07:59) Volker Barth
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Thanks, I was thinking in the same line after your first comment.... is there a way to see what the current synchronization subscription is by query?

(20 Feb '17, 08:08) vdcey
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I guess the system views SYSSYNC and SYSSYNC2 should help you here, and possibly further system views prefixed with "SYSSYNC..."

(20 Feb '17, 09:47) Volker Barth

A single script version in the conosolidated database that uses the last_download timestamp to differentiate between an initial download versus an incremental upload would be a better solution than different scirpt versions IMHO.

A MobiLink client will use '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' as the last download timestamp when performing an initial synch. This value is passed into all the download scripts.

If you use a single script version, many of your scripts will have IF statements checking the last download, which will complicate your scripts, but IMHO it's better than trying to debug an issue in the future and trying to sort out which script version a given remote synchronized with.


(21 Feb '17, 10:14) Reg Domaratzki

Yes, I certainly second that.

My first comments were based on the original claim that "oracle cannot differentiate between a initial synchronisation and an incremental synchronization" - I don't use Oracle, so I don't know whether that applies here. But certainly you do.

(21 Feb '17, 11:14) Volker Barth
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question asked: 20 Feb '17, 06:20

question was seen: 1,774 times

last updated: 21 Feb '17, 11:14