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Hi All

We are using ultralite as a remote database (version and Sql Server 2008 as consolidated database . Our mobilink server version is

We have two publications in the remote database (udb). One publication contain tables thoese are download only direction and other publication contain tables thoese are both upload and download. These publication works fine with sybase 11.

When we switched to sybase 12 download work fine but upload doesn't work and Syncronization Succeeded . If we create the publications one is download only and other is upload only then upload is working.

Is it possible to use upload-download table in a single publication ? Or pleaese suggest what is the best way to use publication in ultralite.

asked 15 Nov '11, 00:32

Kavita%20Nemad's gravatar image

Kavita Nemad
accept rate: 0%

retagged 15 Nov '11, 09:27

RussC_FromSAP's gravatar image


An even more basic question perhaps: when you say you create a publication as download only, what do you mean? An UL publication is not inherently up or down itself... (What publications do is group tables and optionally filter upload rows for synchronization.) So do you mean that when you synchronize that publication you always specify the 'download_only' parameter? Or are there never any rows inserted directly to the UL table so there's nothing to upload? Or are you referring to how your ML scripts are configured?

Also, can you say what platform and language you are using?

(15 Nov '11, 10:52) Tim McClements

Some basic questions:

  • Have you run mlsrv12 with -v+ to see the details of what happens in the consolidated database? Do you see any rows coming up?
  • If not, do you have committed upload rows in the upload/download tables in the UltraLite database before synchronizing?
  • Are you using the proper publication during upload synchronization?
  • Does the upload work if you specify NO publication?
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answered 15 Nov '11, 09:26

RussC_FromSAP's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

Tables should work fine as upload and download in a single synchronization. This is the normal behaviour.

Are there any errors in the MobiLink log (use -vx -v+ on the ML command line)?

How do you determine that the upload failed?

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answered 15 Nov '11, 09:32

PhilippeBertrand%20_SAP_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 15 Nov '11, 00:32

question was seen: 2,821 times

last updated: 15 Nov '11, 10:52