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Don't know whom to tell this, because I cannot login to DocCommentXChange anyway it seems to be not a good idea to tell me all details:

OperationalError at /saml2/acs/
... a lot of internal details ...

You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 500 page.

asked 30 Jun '15, 03:19

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

FWIW, I can login to DCX. Are you using the SAP-hosted site, i.e.

(30 Jun '15, 03:39) Volker Barth
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Yes I do, on login the double check for my SAP certificate opens and then the error occurs

(30 Jun '15, 04:58) Martin

Thanks for reporting this. This was accidental - we were debugging a problem with the DCX login which would only succeed if the DEBUG flag was turned on. The problem has been fixed and the DEBUG flag turned off.

permanent link

answered 30 Jun '15, 08:31

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

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question asked: 30 Jun '15, 03:19

question was seen: 2,019 times

last updated: 30 Jun '15, 08:31