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At least the upload file dialog lets me choose a local file but does not display the file name nor does it upload the file...

I'd like to show what the dialog looks like in my case but that's a catch-22, obviously.

asked 01 Apr '15, 17:02

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Yep, seems to be broken... likely since the upgrade last weekend. We're looking into it....

(01 Apr '15, 17:21) Mark Culp
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Speaking of upgrades, what does "accept rate: 29%" mean?

(02 Apr '15, 08:19) Breck Carter

Yes, some hints to new features in the maintenance log would be appreciated:)

IMHO, it means I have currently accepted answers for 29 % of my questions (and don't know whether questions without any answer would be counted here, too). - Initially, I had thought of the opposite, i.e. 29 % of my answers have been accepted by the OP. A new WAG: Look at Glenn's rate: He has only one question which has been accepted and has not a 100 % accept rate - so it might be the latter meaning. Of course Glenn could still change the rate:)

(02 Apr '15, 08:54) Volker Barth

I looked it up and the accept rate does mean "percentage of the user's answers which have been marked as accepted". I guess the idea is that the higher the percentage, the more useful the user's answers have been in general.

(06 Apr '15, 14:53) Graeme Perrow

This is now fixed!

alt text

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '15, 14:47

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

Next question: So what is "award points" compared to upvoting - a return of the original SQLA's bounties?

(06 Apr '15, 16:58) Volker Barth
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Seems to be a way to simply give someone some of your points for answering your question, similar to the old bounty thing but with fewer restrictions or rules.

(06 Apr '15, 20:24) Graeme Perrow
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question asked: 01 Apr '15, 17:02

question was seen: 1,506 times

last updated: 06 Apr '15, 20:24