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I currently have a project where I need to retrieve Files from a DMS Server (Alfresco). I was able to use the SQLA HTTP Client Procedures with the Alfresco REST API to successfully retrieve my Document. As my system is now bound to the Alfresco API I searched for independedn DMS Api standard. I found the OpenCMIS Project that is also supported by Alfresco.

The goal of the OpenCMIS Project is to have a standard way to interact with (wide) range of DMS Systems

It would be great if I could declare in SQLA a directory Server to traverse the Documents and access them as I can currently do with a Directory Server on the Server File System.

CREATE SERVER server-name
USING 'http://dms.url.local/....'

As OpenCMIS is a SQL like Query Language probably a Interface would be not too complicated.

Here is a old sample from

SELECT ObjectId, SCORE() AS Relevance, Destination, DepartureDates
  /* The SELECT is required and specifies which Virtual Columns
      (or Properties) will be included in the results */
FROM TravelBrochure
  /* The FROM Clause is required and Specifies which Virtual
      Tables (Or Object Types) the query will run against */
  AND ‘2010-01-01’ < ANY DepartureDates
  /* The WHERE clause is optional and specifies which constraints
     the rows returned must satisfy */
  /* The ORDER BY clause is optional and specifies the order in
     which the rows must be returned

The Projact is already developed for 5 years it has not reached a full version but is used already by some Companies.

Thanks for reading.

asked 18 Feb '15, 06:34

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Thomas Dueme...
accept rate: 17%

A directory server interface probably won't work because it won't support SQL... but a "classic" remote server based on CLASS 'ODBC' might work if there is an ODBC driver for OpenCMIS...

...and thus ends this WAG :)

(18 Feb '15, 08:08) Breck Carter
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What is WAG ?-)

(18 Feb '15, 09:27) Thomas Dueme...

That's just a wild [...] guess - cf. that page

and have a look at the first entry below "WAG may refer to:" :)

While I follow Breck's reasoning that a SQL-like "remote access API" would look like the classic remote servers, the output from a CMIS seems more like the directory/file results of a directory access server, it's not clear to me what similarity may be more relevant here... (yep, that's just another WAG).

(18 Feb '15, 09:53) Volker Barth
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question asked: 18 Feb '15, 06:34

question was seen: 2,321 times

last updated: 18 Feb '15, 09:57