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A bit off-topic, but nevertheless important, for me at least. In Safari many links on the SQL Anywhere forum website do not work. I get the message: The website "" requires a client certificate. Then the official Apple supplied certificate is offered, but when I select it, no luck. It seems to be somewhat related to IIS. Any idea? No one using Safari at SAP ;-?

asked 24 Jun '14, 05:21

robert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Jun '14, 09:18

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

This forum seems to be working fine for me when using Safari 5.1.7. I'm not sure why you would be directed to ... unless you were looking at a page/attachment what was not stored on this site.

Which page were you viewing when you were asked for a certificate?

(24 Jun '14, 09:22) Mark Culp

I have worked with the forums on using Safari on a Mac Mini without any issues.

(24 Jun '14, 09:35) Chris Keating

For example links in this post:

In answer 2, number 4: Start at and login in.

Do you see the same behavior?

(25 Jun '14, 08:00) robert

I am not seeing the message that you report when clicking the link

(25 Jun '14, 15:56) Chris Keating

When I click the link I get the following, see attached screenshot.

link text

(28 Jun '14, 04:30) robert
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Hm, I'm also asked to choose a certificate when following these links, but it's only my SAP passport certificate that is provided, which is fitting for me...

(Note, I'm not using Safari but FF.)

(30 Jun '14, 03:16) Volker Barth

Works normally on Safari 5.1.7.

(08 Jul '14, 19:11) mysorian
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question asked: 24 Jun '14, 05:21

question was seen: 3,043 times

last updated: 08 Jul '14, 19:11