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Hi ,

I am using informatica 9.1 which is extracting data from source database SYBASE IQ and the target database is Oracle.I have properly configured the connection. The mapping is valid and once the mapping is valid i create a workflow. The workflow is also valid.

When I run the workflow for the first time I am getting the below error

Database driver error...CMN_1022 [523 92[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Database server not foundDatabase driver error...Function Name : ConnectDatabase driver error...Function Name : ConnectDatabase Error: Failed to connect to database using user [edw] and connection string [DWHSYBASEIQ_READER04].]

When I mannually execute it for the second time it is succesfully getting executed.

I am really not sure what could be the issue.

Please help me on the above?


asked 30 Jan '14, 10:15

manoj12's gravatar image

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edited 30 Jan '14, 10:20

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp


What version of Sybase IQ are you using? What are the -n and -x options used to start the IQ server? What is the connection string you are using to connect to the IQ server from the workflow? Is the machine running the workflow (the client from the IQ server's perspective) in the same TCP/IP subnet as the IQ server?

As a guess, your connection string may need links=tcpip(host=iq_host) where iq_host is the host name or IP address of the machine running the IQ server. You will need to append :port_number to iq_host if the IQ server has specified the port (-x tcpip(port=port_number) in the server options used to start the server).

(30 Jan '14, 10:24) Ian McHardy


The version of sybase IQ Database is 12.7.

The concern is actually when a scheduled informatica mapping is getting failed for the first time by giving this error. There is a call to the sybase iq procedure from informatica.This procedure gets failed for the first time from informatica. After executing it manually it suceeds with no issues.

What could be the exact issue.

As I am new to sybase IQ Database I am really not aware of the -n an -x options ?

Appreciate your help to resolve the issue?

(31 Jan '14, 04:13) manoj12_345
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FYI your response ideally should have been a reply to my comment, not an answer.

I'm no Sybase IQ expert (I work on SQL Anywhere, but the client side of IQ and SQL Anywhere are the same). It looks like IQ command line parameters should be in a params.cfg text file in the same directory as the IQ database on the machine running the IQ server.

I ask again:

What are the -n and -x options used to start the IQ server? What is the connection string you are using to connect to the IQ server from the workflow? Is the machine running the workflow (the client from the IQ server's perspective) in the same TCP/IP subnet as the IQ server?

In particular we need to know what the connection string is that is used to connect from "workflow" to the IQ Server. It could be an ODBC Data Source, and if so, what parameters are set in the ODBC data source? Without that information there isn't much we can do.

One other idea that may help: Assuming you can figure out how to set the connection parameters used to connect from "workflow" to the IQ Server, if you could enable the LOGFILE connection parameter (set the value to a file name that will be created and contain diagnostic information). Then retry the workflow so it fails, then connection manually and retry the workflow so it passes, and look at or post the contents of the LOGFILE file. It may contain more information about why it doesn't work, and what is different when it does work.

(31 Jan '14, 09:36) Ian McHardy
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question asked: 30 Jan '14, 10:15

question was seen: 4,784 times

last updated: 31 Jan '14, 09:39