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Our product currently use SA on Linux OS. Since SA we are trying check and use intra-query parallelism mechanism. As known MAX_QUERY_TASKS option by default is set to 0 (maximum level of parallelism). In our experience we didn't see results of intra-query parallelism furthemore some of queries have encountered with endless loop processing or drop connection problems. Due these problems we set this option to 1 (prevent intra-query parallelism using). In last EBF's readme files we found fixes related to parallelism. For some tests we set MAX_QUERY_TASKS back to N/2 (where N count of logical processors) and saw in top output that realy were used N/2 processors. Our question - is the some recommendation to set MAX_QUERY_TASKS option regarding to number of logical processors; how last fixes have improved intra-query parallelism using

Thanks , Hanan Brener

asked 18 Dec '13, 12:52

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question asked: 18 Dec '13, 12:52

question was seen: 1,004 times

last updated: 18 Dec '13, 12:52