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is there a special trick to do mail merge in word 2007 against a sql anywhere 10 data source ? We seem to not be able to do this.

Either word crashes as soon as we specify the data source, or it then just simply tells us that word could not retrieve a list of objects.... Original message in german "Der Datenverbindungs-Assistent kann keine Datenbankliste in der angegebenen Datenquelle finden."

We did try via the ODBC connection and also via the OLEDB provider, both times with similar results.

We did connect as DBA, but that did also not help.... We use SQL Anywhere

A trace on the server level shows up this:

=,<,62,PREPARE,EXECUTE sa_oledb_catalogs
=,E,62,-265,Prozedur 'sa_oledb_catalogs' nicht gefunden
=,<,62,PREPARE,begin  DECLARE inCatalogName CHAR(128) ;  DECLARE iter int ;  DECLARE local temporary ;  SET inCatalogName = '' ;  set iter = 0; while iter < 255 loop insert into oledb_catalog(catalog_name,description) values (db_name(iter), db_property( 'File',iter)); set iter = iter + 1; end loop; select catalog_name, description from oledb_catalog where catalog_name is not null and catalog_name = if inCatalogName = '' then catalog_name else inCatalogName endif order by catalog_name; end 
=,E,62,-131,Syntaxfehler bei ';' in Zeile 4
=,E,61,-130,Ungültige Anweisung

The database was initially created with 6.0.x and now upgraded via "dbunload -ar" to V10



asked 02 Dec '10, 17:24

ASchild's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 15 Mar '13, 19:04

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

I found a way to do it:

The trick is to create a data source with ms query and store that one as a .dqy file. You can then use that .dqy file in word to do the filtering and merge.

Here a step-by-step guide:

  • Start the ms query tool "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSQRY32.EXE"
  • Go to "New" and select a odbc connection
  • You can now select tables, columns and filters to match your needs
  • Now do a "Save as..." and store the query definition in a place you know C:\myquery.dqy
  • Now you can start MS word and select the C:\myquery.dqy as the datasource


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answered 09 Dec '10, 09:48

ASchild's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

See the answer of Karim to the question:

how to use sa database as a data source in excel 2010

So short answer: it is not supported by SQL Anywhere (or it's Microsofts intention to only allow SQL-Server)

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answered 03 Dec '10, 11:50

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Ouch... not what I wanted to hear...

So probably I will have to go via ASA->Excel->Word...


(03 Dec '10, 14:46) ASchild
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question asked: 02 Dec '10, 17:24

question was seen: 2,951 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 19:04