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We have an issue where we have multiple clients utilizing the same physical server with the same installation of SQL Anywhere 10.0.1.

How can I segment their licensing usage with there only being one installation? Can I copy dbsrv10.exe and dbsrv10.lic to separate directories (one per client), and then have each service utilize a different dbsrv10.exe?

asked 15 Nov '10, 16:39

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen
accept rate: 25%

@Calvin: Are each of your clients licensed on a per CPU basis, or on a per seat basis?

(15 Nov '10, 16:48) Chris Kleisath

@Chris - Perseat

(15 Nov '10, 17:54) Calvin Allen

Calvin, A SQL Anywhere Server can only use one license file. So, your proposed work-around to copy the DBSRVxx.EXE and the .LIC files to a separate directory is the only option that we can think of at the moment for a per-seat licensed server. While you specified version 10, this is also true for versions 11 and 12 as well.

This approach guarantees that users from one of your clients won't interfere with users from your other client. You do have to be careful that you specify the cache size appropriately, because the two servers won't be able to share cache. (which is also a problem when using SQL Anywhere in virtualized environments running on the same physical machine)

I should also note that a per-CPU licensed server wouldn't have these same types of restrictions.

Your question has started some discussion here around possible new features that we could add in the future though. Thanks, Chris

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answered 17 Nov '10, 14:42

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%

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question asked: 15 Nov '10, 16:39

question was seen: 1,927 times

last updated: 17 Nov '10, 14:42