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I developed a .NET 3.5 Windows application that runs on a single PC. It is an Inventory and Invoicing solution. I wanted an embedded database for it so that any customer can just download the application's trial version, install it and start using it.

MS Access and SQLite were the only options for me. I had bad experience with MS Access and so I rejected it. SQLite was still not complete in many sense, so I felt not to risk myself.

My customer had other apps. already running on MySQL so we decided to use MySQL backend. The app. is running fine since last two years and no major issues came except one bug of MySQL itself.

I now want to change the RDBMS because MySQL has lost its luster and I want to release a new edition that I just want to sell as a shrink-wrapped product.

Which Sybase product is suitable and is there SQLA embedded edition also? What type of license I need to buy to make such a product and approx. how much would it cost?

I contacted Sybase sales team, but no one has contacted me at present.

asked 04 Nov '10, 08:32

RPK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 18:52

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

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YES, SQL Anywhere is sold as an embedded database; e.g., Cisco routers, Intuit Quicken, etcetera. Keep trying to contact the sales team. If you don't have any luck, post a new "question" here describing your experience in detail, and I will make sure it gets action... I have a loud, irritating voice :)

(04 Nov '10, 09:11) Breck Carter

My experience too has been that engineering is way more responsive than sales. (I can't help but notice it is a senior engineer, Chris, who is going to get you an answer.) No one can accuse iAnywhere of high-pressure sales tactics... I guess that is a GOOD thing!

(04 Nov '10, 16:13) Bill Aumen


You mention that you contacted the Sybase sales team, but got no response. Can you please email me your details, and I will ensure that someone contacts you.

SQL Anywhere is available for partners to embed within their application under what we call an OEM Agreement. We have over 1500 partners who do just that, including Cisco, Intuit, Symantec and others.

Thank you, Chris

kleisath at sybase dot com

permanent link

answered 04 Nov '10, 15:25

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%

@Chris: Thanks for taking my request seriously. Please check your mail.

(04 Nov '10, 18:15) RPK

RPK, We checked on Sybase's processes, and here is what I found: You downloaded the SQL Anywhere Developer Edition on Wednesday from your location in India. As we get many downloads, there is a weekly pull on Monday of new inquiries for follow-up by our sales teams around the world. In the normal course of things, you would have been contacted this week. Hopefully, you have been contacted by sales today, or will be on Tuesday.

(08 Nov '10, 22:39) Chris Kleisath

RPK,Upon further investigation, I discovered that the Sybase India office is shut down this week for the Diwali holiday. Someone will be in touch with you early next week.

(10 Nov '10, 17:03) Chris Kleisath
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question asked: 04 Nov '10, 08:32

question was seen: 2,784 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 18:52