Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

A hint from an unofficial forum nanny:

As this is a forum on SQL Anywhere, tagging a question with "sqlanywhere" seems rather superfluous IMHO.

I appreciate there are different point of views on whether tagging is useful or not, and we surely do get along fine here without too many rules - however, I would invite everybody to try to use appropriate tags, for example related to

  • the OS (unless it is Windows which can be assumed to be the default in most usage cases)
  • the calling environment / API (ODBC, PHP, ...)
  • the product version ("asa-9", "sa-10", "sa-11", "sa-12" and so on)
  • the product component (server, MobiLink, Ultralite, ...)
  • the particular SQL statement or clause ("ALTER TABLE", ...)
  • the actual task
  • whatsoever

Personally, I have found tagging valuable to find "related questions" which are often helpful.

As stated, please do take this request as a mere hint:)

asked 06 Jul '12, 07:34

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 17 Mar '13, 12:53

FWIW I have removed the 'sqlanywhere' tag from all of the questions (as well as several other tags - e.g. 'sybase' and 'sap') with the hope that the tag does not reappear. I will be watching ;-)

(15 Mar '13, 22:33) Mark Culp
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Of course, THIS posting deserves the "sqlanywhere" tag, doesn't it? :)

(16 Mar '13, 09:03) Breck Carter

I'd suggest "even a cow knows the admins are watching":)

(16 Mar '13, 09:55) Volker Barth

Well, if any question has the 'sqlanywhere' tag then the tag would exists. I have deleted all questions with the tag and therefore the tag now no longer exists... and therefore newbies to the forum will not be able to use the tag and will not be able to (re)create it.

even-the-cows-knows-the-admins-are-watching would be an interesting tag :) ... but I fear it is a bit too long :(

(16 Mar '13, 13:54) Mark Culp

You mean, like this? <g>

permanent link

answered 06 Jul '12, 11:41

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

You're "debugging"?

Well, a grin is better than a Friday rant:)

I appreciate there are different point of views on whether tagging is useful or not.

I bet you've made your point of view rather clear:)

(06 Jul '12, 12:03) Volker Barth
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question asked: 06 Jul '12, 07:34

question was seen: 1,932 times

last updated: 17 Mar '13, 12:53