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I need to develop a process to update remote schemas to match the consolidated database (using MobiLink). I found a TechWave presentation titled "Pushing Schema Changes to Remote Databases using MobiLink" dated August, 2007. Does anyone know if there are any instructions or documentation that is more recent?

asked 16 Mar '12, 10:00

TL1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 21:18

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

What version of MobiLink are you targeting, and what type of remote databases will you be using (UL or SA)?

(16 Mar '12, 10:18) Reg Domaratzki

SA 12 / MobiLink 12 Consolidated is ASE 15

(16 Mar '12, 10:24) TL1

In that case, the new features in v12 that deal with Central Administration of Remote Databases is definitely where you should start.

(16 Mar '12, 11:28) Reg Domaratzki
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While the presentation you mention was possibly one of the best ever written, and was presented perfectly at TechWave, a lot has changed in five years.

A significant amount of effort was put into the v12 release around the central administration of the remote databases, of which pushing schema changes is an integral part.

I would start with the documentation link below, and see if the new features in v12 line up with your needs.


permanent link

answered 16 Mar '12, 10:13

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 16 Mar '12, 10:14

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question asked: 16 Mar '12, 10:00

question was seen: 2,427 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 21:18