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In SQL Anywhere version 11.0

Can someone please give me syntax for ascertaining whether a table exists and also whether a column exists in the table.


Melvyn Polatchek

asked 06 Dec '11, 07:44

MelvynP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Dec '11, 06:19

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The system views SYSTABLE and SYSCOLUMN are deprecated and were replaced with SYSTAB and SYSTABCOL. Here is examples for checking for groupo.products table and the column 'name' in that table against the demo database. I added the table owner to the query since it is possible that there could be multiple tables of the same name but with different ownership. Replace "groupo', 'products', and 'name' with appropriate values for your table and column. An EXISTS might be used also to simple report whether a result is found for the query.

Table Query

    string( su.user_name, '.', st.table_name) as qualified_table_name
    sysuser su join systab st on su.user_id = st.creator 
    user_name = 'groupo' and table_name = 'products'

Column Query

    string( su.user_name, '.', st.table_name, '.', column_name ) as qualified_column_name
    sysuser su join systab st on su.user_id = st.creator 
        join systabcol stc on st.table_id = stc.table_id
    user_name = 'groupo' and table_name = 'products' and column_name = 'name'
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answered 06 Dec '11, 09:58

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

edited 06 Dec '11, 09:59

Thanks guys

Mel Polatchek

(07 Dec '11, 05:28) MelvynP
select * from systable key join syscolumn where table_name ='sysdbspace' and column_name='object_id'

Replace 'sysdbspace' with your table name and 'object_id' with the column you are looking for.

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answered 06 Dec '11, 09:40

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 06 Dec '11, 07:44

question was seen: 2,618 times

last updated: 07 Dec '11, 06:19