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Is it normal to see fewer options when installing SQLA 11 on WinXP then Win2003? Can I use an MSI created for Win2003 to deploy to a WinXP client?

asked 14 Oct '10, 16:00

vorear's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The install options you see should be the same whether you are installing on XP or Win2K3. Options are controlled by the registration key, so if you are using the same key, you should see the same options. The only difference would be if one of the systems was a 64-bit platform. On 64-bit, there are some additional options.

An MSI created by the deployment wizard on one Windows platforms should deploy to any other Windows platform unchanged.

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answered 14 Oct '10, 17:25

Bill%20Hillis's gravatar image

Bill Hillis
accept rate: 66%

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question asked: 14 Oct '10, 16:00

question was seen: 2,896 times

last updated: 14 Oct '10, 17:25