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I know SQLAnywhere v9 is not maintained anymore, but was an EBF later than v9.0.2.3923 released? Downloads page only lists items for v10+.

asked 16 Sep '11, 08:17

henginy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Sep '11, 08:19

For Windows: SQL Anywhere - Express Bug Fix, Update of 9.0.2 to build 3951


22 Sep 2010


On the download page for the EBFs you have the possibility to limit the date range, default is last 6 months. So to see the 9.0.2 patches you have to set this date range to all months...

permanent link

answered 16 Sep '11, 09:07

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Thank you! I wasn't expecting to find it, so I missed it.

(16 Sep '11, 10:14) henginy

That EBF was released in September 2010. By default, the Downloads page only shows releases for the past 6 months. Near the top of the page, there is an drop down option which is set to "in the last 6 months". Change that value to "in all months" and click Go! to refresh the EBF list.

permanent link

answered 16 Sep '11, 09:00

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

edited 16 Sep '11, 09:10

Here are the direct links to the last 9.0.2 EBFs for Windows: (Windows x86) - (Windows x64) -

permanent link

answered 16 Sep '11, 16:45

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%


FWIW, it would be somewhat handy if there were an easier way to find the latest EBFs for particular archived versions (dependent on the platform, too, of course).

I'm quite sure the "Display in all months" hurdle has prevented several users from finding the wanted EBFs...

Would a particular "Latest archived versions page" make sense?

(18 Sep '11, 10:36) Volker Barth
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The site could be better, that is certain. It should be possible to ask for downloads for specific versions and specific platforms. I made that request some time ago.

I suggest clicking the Feedback link at the bottom of the page and making suggestions. I believe it is a generic Feedback form, so be sure to specify what page (URL) you are commenting on.

(19 Sep '11, 09:48) Steven McDowell

Where can I get the SQL Anywhere 9 ? full version

(13 Dec '12, 13:52) Bruno Dumont

The full version is no longer available for purchase (for production deployment), nor is the developer version (for testing). SQL Anywhere 9.0.x has been end-of-life'd. Also see this question here.

(13 Dec '12, 15:38) Jeff Albion
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question asked: 16 Sep '11, 08:17

question was seen: 5,765 times

last updated: 13 Dec '12, 15:38