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my android application is using ultraliteJ. I am trying to configure mobilink server in such a way that it can communicate with my application.

1) I activate mobilink server using the following command: mlsrv12 -vcrs -zu+ -c "dsn=;uid=;pwd=**" -x http(port=80)

I got such an error: E. 2011-09-08 15:29:45. <main> [-10002] Consolidated database server or ODBC error: ODBC: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Specified database is invalid (ODBC State = 08001, Native error code = -84)

Do you have any idea on how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

asked 08 Sep '11, 09:34

devdevoteam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 19 Sep '11, 11:57

Graham%20Hurst's gravatar image

Graham Hurst

MobiLink is unable to connect the consolidate database you've specified.

Can you post the full connection string (the clause in double quotes after -c) in the mlsrv12 command line? Typically a connection sting for MobiLink will look something like "dsn=SACons;uid=dba;pwd=XXX".

(08 Sep '11, 10:11) Reg Domaratzki

Please I reply in his place as we are collegue,

after Consolidate DB creation and putting DSN string (MyTestEG) in the ODBC registry with the following command: dbdsn.exe -v -w MyTestEG -y -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql;dbf=manutenzione_q_remote.db"

I try to start mobilink with the following command: mlsrv12 -vcrs -zu+ -c "dsn=MyTestEG;uid=dba;pwd=sql" -x http(port=90)

but this is the response i get:

E. 2011-09-08 17:09:46. <main> [-10002] Consolidated database server or ODBC error: ODBC: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Table 'ml_user' not found (ODBC State = 42S02, Native error code = -141)

Thanks for any suggestion

(08 Sep '11, 11:24) enricoDevoteam
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You seem to not have setup the MobiLink system tables.

Cf. this and this doc.

(08 Sep '11, 11:28) Volker Barth

After creating a consolidated SQL Anywhere database for MobiLink with dbinit, you must also run the the syncsa.sql file in the %SQLANY12%mobilinksetup directory as described in the documentation :

For example : dbisql -c "dsn=MyTestEG;uid=dba;pwd=sql" read "%SQLANY12%mobilinksetupsyncsa.sql"

Another suggestion : When you define the DSN and specify the name of the database file, specify the full path to the database file. That way, you will be able to use the DSN even if the current directory is not the directory where the database file exists.

For example : dbdsn.exe -v -w MyTestEG -y -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql;dbf=c:\db\manutenzione_q_remote.db"

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answered 08 Sep '11, 11:30

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 08 Sep '11, 11:32

As the MobiLink server is just another ODBC client application, you might have to check the connection string (as @Reg has suggested). If you're using an ODBC DSN, you could also use the ODBC administrator to test the DSN.

This might tell you that the database is not running or not able to start...

More helpful hints from the docs - the link leads to more infos on server startup problems and connection problems:

A checklist of common problems

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answered 08 Sep '11, 11:25

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

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question asked: 08 Sep '11, 09:34

question was seen: 5,445 times

last updated: 19 Sep '11, 11:57