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We were upgraded the database from version 7.0 to SA12.0, after that, the server is crashing abruptly without throwing error message.

If we restart the sever, again it is crashing in another 2 hours. 7 to 10 times the server is crashing daily.

46 users will be always connected to server and working. The size of the database file is 4.6 Gb. Operating system is windows 2008

This is happening only after the migration. Have enabled trace option and got the last executed query from all the connections. What should i do with trace file and sql?

Is there any other option needs to be checked?

How do we identify the issue and provide the permanent fix?

Kindly help us! **

asked 26 Aug '11, 01:39

Karuppasamy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have you updated to the latest EBF's?

(27 Aug '11, 20:33) Ron Hiner
(30 Aug '11, 08:25) Reimer Pods
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question asked: 26 Aug '11, 01:39

question was seen: 2,005 times

last updated: 30 Aug '11, 08:30