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Hi, is there any way to obtain information about synchronization state (pending vs synchronized, new, updated, deleted) of a record in Ultralite for Android?

I need to inform users about synchronization state of critical business objects they are managing in the mobile tool.


asked 16 Aug '11, 14:08

David's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

retagged 19 Sep '11, 11:57

Graham%20Hurst's gravatar image

Graham Hurst

No, you may not query the status of individual rows. You may also inquire when a publication last downloaded or if the last upload was successful. (Unfortunately Android at this time does not support checking the number of rows waiting to be uploaded)

You can duplicate this through clever ML scripts that clear the uploaded rows "state" in an extra column but that takes a little bit of work and extra data to download.

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answered 16 Aug '11, 14:27

PhilippeBertrand%20_SAP_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 16 Aug '11, 16:05

Just to fill out Philippe's answer:

Rows waiting to be uploaded: DatabaseInfo.getNumberRowsToUpload()

Time of last download for a publication: Connection.getLastDownloadTime(String pub_name)

Last upload success: SyncResult.isUploadOK()

(16 Aug '11, 15:18) Tom Slee
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You can also query the syspublications table to see if the last_sync_sent == last_sync_comfirmed for the particular publication you are interested in.

(16 Aug '11, 15:53) PhilippeBert...
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question asked: 16 Aug '11, 14:08

question was seen: 10,821 times

last updated: 19 Sep '11, 11:57