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Hi all,

Shockingly, it seems that every server I have tried to get the sqlanywhere php module installed will not work. It is like it completely ignores it. I've tried on the following systems;

Windows 2003 32-bit 5.2.17
Windows 2003 32-bit 5.2.8
windows 7 32-bit 5.2.14

I first determine where the php.ini is being loaded from and edit the appropriate one and put the extension=sqlxxxxx line in there.

I then restart the server and sadly none of them have worked. If I jump out to a command prompt and try the php -i, it is not display any errors whatsoever.

Any suggestions on the above would be appreciated.

My next question is the whole reason I'm trying to install the above php module. What we are seeing on a Server 2008 RC2 is anytime there is a php connection through ODBC using the sqlanywhere drivers, if the database server hangs or takes longer than normal to respond, no other php requests behind that call will be executed. It looks as through PHP is hanging, but in fact it is the database request causing the hang. Any suggestions on what we could do to change this behavior?

Regards, ken

asked 20 Apr '11, 14:27

visiperl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 22:01

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Ken, I've never used the SQL Anywhere PHP module (or any PHP module), but your question has gone unanswered, so I though I could ask for some more information and some clarifications on your post, hoping that maybe somebody else could answer.

1) What version and build of SQL Anywhere are you using, and on what OS? 2) When you say you restart the server, can I assume you mean the Apache Web Server? 3) Can you elaborate on what problems you see when you say that "none of them have worked" ?

(21 Apr '11, 08:51) Reg Domaratzki

Hi Reg,

I've tried various builds of v11. The first one I just check is

The O/S's are listed above. The web server is IIS 6 and IIS 7 (win7)

And sadly there is no further description than 'none of them have worked'. PHP presents zero acknowledgement that the library is either loading or failing to load (confirmed by php -i). I am positive that the config file for php is the correct one, because I added another library (mbstring) and it did show up in the php info.

(21 Apr '11, 10:39) visiperl

Ken... did you look at this question? Maybe there is a clue in there that will help.

(21 Apr '11, 19:36) Ron Hiner

Thanks for the link. I looked through and it appears to pertain primarily to Linux, however, even with that, it doesn't appear as though any of it will apply, simply because I don't even get any acknowledgement that the drivers are even attempted to being loaded.

Thanks, Ken

(25 Apr '11, 09:59) visiperl

Well, after continued struggles with it, I finally figured out what is happening.

The only way to get the the error messages back from the php console is to run your command prompt in Administrator mode. Once I did that I could see that the SQL anywhere module is attempting to load, however, it is compiled in Thread-Safe mode which is not compatible with the FastCGI non-thread-safe mode.

Do you know if there is a way to get non-thread-safe versions of the module for windows?

Thanks, ken

(25 Apr '11, 10:41) visiperl

You can get a non-thread-safe version of the PHP module from The SQL Anywhere PHP Module Download. Make sure you download the correct one for your PHP version and OS. The non-thread-safe ones are under the "Single Threaded" column.

permanent link

answered 25 Apr '11, 13:29

Phil%20Mitchell's gravatar image

Phil Mitchell
accept rate: 27%

edited 25 Apr '11, 13:30

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question asked: 20 Apr '11, 14:27

question was seen: 3,305 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 22:01