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A colleague of mine has an 4K monitor, and are experiencing some issues with the font size in Sybase Central and Interactive SQL. As you can see, the font size is way too big, and almost unusable: alt text

Is there any way to set the correct font size in Sybase Central and ISQL? The rest of Windows and the other applications looks OK. This is Windows 10 and SQL Anywhere 12 and 16.

Best regards,

Bjarne Anker Maritech Systems Norway

asked 06 Jan '17, 04:10

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Bjarne Anker
accept rate: 10%


Have you tried as discussed here:

(No, I do not know whether this applies for Windows 10...)

(06 Jan '17, 04:32) Volker Barth
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I've never been able to get it usable on my laptop (3200 x 1800). No combination of compatability settings and fonts seems to work. V17 is the same.

I have to reduce the screen resolution while working with SQL Central.

There have been problems with Swing and high dpi displays for some time & I wonder if that is what SQL Central uses? There do seem to be workarounds available - at least according to posts on Stack Overflow - but they need to be implemented by the developers.

(06 Jan '17, 07:20) Justin Willey

another guindows M$ problem... ka ka ka linux rules, some time ago with debian lenny Xserver have been a fonts problems, but of course as a opensource problem was solved quickly

the problem only appears are in java vm of guindoze, of course in linux we use openjdk thas i confirme do not have this problem (at least in my debian)

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answered 11 Jan '17, 08:04

mckaygerhard's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

I am not afraid of telling you, that I have voted against your answer, because I didn't like the form, how it was written.

It is pretty clear that Java (SWT/Swift/Whatever) + Different OSes + Rendering APIs + Different DPIs cause this issue. Developers can use sizes for fonts in absolute values, instead of relative. Or the size of the controls is set in pixels instead of millimeters or inches (what country likes the most).

But it doesn't give you the rights to answer in the way you did.

(11 Jan '17, 08:09) Vlad

the problemas its a os implementation, as i posted repeat that some time ago i have same problem in linux, but was fixed quickly by communyty due the great feedback

i just try for curious, (install VM/realmachine wint Guindows and all the tools) and i confirmed its a os problem, only using very high resolutions, (i mean using real hardware, not VM) ka ka, user must have downgrade resolution size!?!?! what a crap!

suppost that font absolute size its for preferences and not "for issue problem" but a blind its somebody that not want to see it!

(11 Jan '17, 08:13) mckaygerhard
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She agrees with you...

(11 Jan '17, 08:35) Breck Carter
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question asked: 06 Jan '17, 04:10

question was seen: 4,074 times

last updated: 11 Jan '17, 08:35