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I have a question about SQLCA in Ultra Lite17.

When I refer to Ultra Lite's HELP, I see the phrase SQLCA, but I don't know how to implement it in C#. Referenced URL:

The above address only describes how to implement it in C++. Could you please let me know if there is a way to implement it in C#?

asked 11 Dec '23, 20:38

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SQLCA is an embedded SQL structure. It would not generally be used in a C# application - and if so, it would need to be implemented in unmanaged code.

You can think of ULConnection as loosely related to SQLCA. If you application requires multithreaded access to the database, each thread should have a separate ULConnection instance (connection). An error will be reported if more than one thread tries to concurrently access the database from the same connection.

UltraLite Embedded SQL

Connection Setup for an UltraLite Database

(11 Dec '23, 21:32) Chris Keating
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Thank you for your quick response. I will consider implementing it with unmanaged code. If you have any implementation examples or sample code using unmanaged code, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

(12 Dec '23, 01:34) miyata

Adding unmanaged code is likely an unnecessary complexity since there is little, if anything, that can only be achieved in embedded SQL. Perhaps we can provide guidance on implementation in UL.NET.

If you need to use embedded SQL that you are calling from .NET, refer to:

Consuming Unmanaged DLL Functions

(12 Dec '23, 08:13) Chris Keating
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question asked: 11 Dec '23, 20:38

question was seen: 195 times

last updated: 12 Dec '23, 08:14