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Hello everybody,

We're using SQLAnywhere 17 and we would need to write some JAVA SE program running on a Windows server to access UltraLite databases.

Is there any JDBC driver or other way for UltraLite? Documentation suggests dbisql tool to browse ultralite databases but it s not really tailored to be used within a java program.

Any other idea how we could best access an UltraLite db via Java?

Thanks for your help and best regards, Alex

asked 27 Feb '18, 05:59

Alexander%20Ilg's gravatar image

Alexander Ilg
accept rate: 50%

There is not a JDBC driver for UltraLite. On Windows, UltraLite development is C/C++, UltraLite.NET, or WinRT/UWP.

An option is to use JNI (Java Native Interface) to call C/C++. This is the approach used by UltraLiteJ.

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answered 27 Feb '18, 07:38

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 27 Feb '18, 05:59

question was seen: 1,674 times

last updated: 27 Feb '18, 07:38