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I have multiple instances running. For each instance i have create links that start dbisql.exe with the Connection String for that instance. In the String i don't include the Password for security reason.

The behaviour since years the behaviour was that isql starts up with all parameters from the connection string prefilled in the Connections screen.

I installed EBF

Now the ENG and DBN paramters are missing from the dbisql login screen.

My command line is

"%SQLANY17%\Bin64\dbisql.exe " -c "ENG=XXX;DBN=yyyy;UID=myuser;links=tcpip(host=x.x.x.x;port=2638)"

When dbi sql comes up the Server Name and Database Name fields are empty.

When I provide the proper password on the command line with the PWD= parameter the connection is established correctly. So I see no problem with my code here.

The same call with the Client of ASA16 is working as expected.

"%SQLANY16%\Bin64\dbisql.exe " -c "ENG=XXX;DBN=yyyy;UID=myuser;links=tcpip(host=x.x.x.x;port=2638)"

Any ideas are welcome.

Probably somebody knows the latest version that is working without this problem.


asked 16 Jun '23, 05:24

Thomas%20Duemesnil's gravatar image

Thomas Dueme...
accept rate: 17%

Working fine for me.

Is it possible that you used your v17 DBISQL to connect to an non-SQLA database (like IQ or HANA) at roughly the same time you upgraded to the new EBF?

When the connection dialog comes up, does the top left corner still say "Connect to a SQL Anywhere Database" ?

Does adding -sa to the dbisql command line help?


(16 Jun '23, 11:31) Reg Domaratzki
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Is there a space before the closing double quote after DBISQL.exe?

(16 Jun '23, 12:16) Volker Barth
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Yes it is. But that doesn't make a difference. I have tried it. Thanks for your good eyes.

(19 Jun '23, 04:09) Thomas Dueme...

Hello Reg. No I connect to a normal SQL Anywhere instance. The caption of the screen shows "Connect to a SQL Anywhere Database"

Adding the -sa Parameter doesn't change the behavior.

When you say working fine for me you use the same EBF 7312 as me?

Thanks for helping. Thomas

(19 Jun '23, 04:15) Thomas Dueme...

This issue will be corrected in a later release (CR 828167).

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answered 30 Jun '23, 12:33

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

(Aside: Is there a particular reason to use the LINKS connection parameter with the HOST option instead of using the HOST connection parameter (with added port)?)

When using a DBISQL command line like yours with, I get a DBISQL "Connect to a SQL Anywhere Database" connection dialog with Action set to "Connect with a connection string" showing as Parameters "DSN=..." although I have not specified a DSN in the command line (although the DSN's contents happens to match the supplied connection parameters), and the connection dialog does not display the SERVER/ENGINE and DATABASE fields so I do see an issue here.

The behaviour is the same when I do specify a command line with -c "ENG=XXX;DBN=yyyy;UID=myuser;HOST=x.x.x.x:2638", it still shows "Connect with a connection string including a DSN as Action.

I suspect that strange behaviour has to do with the fact that I have another DBISQL session open on this client machine which has been starting with a connection string including exactly those parameters shown in the Parameters field, particularly a DSN parameter.

If no other DBISQL v17 session is open, the command line leads to the expected Action "Connect to a running database on another computer" showing the supplied values for HOST, PORT, SERVER NAME and DATABASE NAME.

I can confirm that with in contrast, the specified DBISQL connection string leads to Action "Connect to a running database on another computer" even when there is an open DBISQL session of that version which had been started with a supplied DSN as connection parameter, so there seems to be a degression.

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answered 19 Jun '23, 05:36

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 19 Jun '23, 05:58


Hello Volker. Thanks for testing. I have changed my command to

"%SQLANY17%\Bin64\dbisql.exe" -c "SERVER=XXX;DBN=yyyy;UID=myuser;host=x.x.x.x:2638"

My dialog always comes up with "Connect to a running Database on another computer". The Host and Port fields stay empty.

When I used the links parameter the ip and port were shown in the Network Tab Host and Port. Now this is empty too.

(19 Jun '23, 06:09) Thomas Dueme...
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Hm, I stand corrected. With, on my machine, independent of whether another v17 DBISQL session is running or not, the connection dialog seems to show the Action type I have chosen last time. (This is typically via a connection string including a DSN, so is shown as "Connect with a connection string"). When I change this in the GUI explicitly to "Connect to a running database on another computer", that action type is shown next time - and in this case with all empty fields although the command line surely does include those. (And there's a "Recent" drop down list on the right for Host/Port, which I had not yet noticed...)

So I guess when using that action type, I can reproduce your issue.

Basically, the provided connection string in the command line does not seem to change the action type setting in case it should do so, and seems to ignore the settings for action type "Connect to a running Database on another computer"...

(19 Jun '23, 08:49) Volker Barth
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question asked: 16 Jun '23, 05:24

question was seen: 849 times

last updated: 30 Jun '23, 12:33