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I tried to install the full developer version on the existing sql anywhere 17 version in my test box. I have created a Mobilink project and when I tried to deploy it, I am getting the error "The database server version is not compatible with this version of dbmlsync". The mobilink client version is "". The version from the query "select * from syshistory" is How do I resolve this issue?

asked 05 Oct '21, 16:57

cchitra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The SQL Anywhere engine version hosting the remote database and the version of dbmlsync are not the exact same version and build. You can confirm the engine version by running dbeng17 -v (or dbsrv17 -v). I am going to assume you added Mobilink components using the developer edition that somehow left a mix of 17.0.8 (engine) and 17.0.10 (dbmlsync) binaries. This is suggested by the content of syshistory which indicates that the engine is 17.0.8.

If so, I would recommend a clean reinstall and I would consider upgrading to the latest patch level if you are a licensed user. You can do a full install or update an existing install with the patch installer.

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answered 05 Oct '21, 22:21

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 05 Oct '21, 16:57

question was seen: 653 times

last updated: 05 Oct '21, 22:21