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Hello everyone!

At our company we are using ASA database for more than 20 years, and up to this year there was never any troubles of purchasing licences or different server editions, usually we buy from different resellers in EU. As from this year, they all say something like they can't sell us anymore.

So we first tried direct from SAP store - but all we can get is message that "this product is not available in your country" - we are from a EU country - like there is SAP.

Next Amazon - they too do not deliver to EU.

SAP representative for our country - they sell SAP products, but know nothing about SQL Anywhere.

So, do anyone have this kind of experience with SAP ? Where do you get licenses ? For SAP people here - is anything going on about ASA future ?



asked 13 Feb '21, 12:02

Alex99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Feb '21, 12:05

So this link does not work for you?

(13 Feb '21, 17:07) Volker Barth
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No, it doesn't. For other SAP products, it shows data about chosen item, for SQL Anywhere there is only this message:

Thank you for your interest.

Either the solution you have selected is not available for purchase in your country via SAP Store, or you have entered SAP Store from a country currently not supported.

(14 Feb '21, 08:39) Alex99

That's bad. I'm also within the EU, and for me the different editions certainly are offered...

(14 Feb '21, 09:40) Volker Barth

Hi Alex - we are aware of the issues on SAP Store and are actively working with that team to resolve them. SQL Anywhere should be available on SAP Store in ALL countries that SAP does business in - including the EU countries! Great progress has been made to resolve the issues and I've been told all the problems should be addressed by sometime next week. If you continue to have issues, please be sure to post a follow-up comment. Apologies for the inconveniences you're experiencing - and thank you for your continued support of SQL Anywhere. Regards Mike Paola, Product Management

permanent link

answered 13 Feb '21, 17:09

MikePaola's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


Thanks Mike, we'll wait for SAP Store to resolve this issue, but the time is running and we are in a bad situation. As a software company, our main product uses ASA as its database. With a lot of code in stored procedures, functions, triggers... very time consuming to change database. And hard to find one such great as ASA. Now it's about six weeks when we can not sell and install our product to our customers, because of some strange "issues" ?

(14 Feb '21, 09:23) Alex99
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Issue resolved. SAP Store is availabe for SQL Anywhere. Thanks.

(17 Feb '21, 07:20) Alex99
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question asked: 13 Feb '21, 12:02

question was seen: 1,013 times

last updated: 17 Feb '21, 08:09