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Today I got a spoof email

Your timely payment history has been very much appreciated; however, some invoices on your account are now past due. Please review the attachment. Sincerely, Collections Department SAP

The attachment is actually a link to tnlogistics dot vn that I assume to be a compromised server

I searched all over the SAP site but can't find an email address to report this to - most organisations have an address like spoof@ to forward with headers.. Does anyone know where this should go to?


asked 17 May '17, 09:51

gchq's gravatar image

accept rate: 36%

You could go to and use the Chat or Contact Us links to talk to someone or send a message to SAP. I doubt there is anything that can be done since the email likely did not come from SAP?

(17 May '17, 10:18) Mark Culp

I know it didn't come from SAP, but most businesses like to take a proactive approach to closing down these scumbags that install malware by using their name to make the links appear credible...

(17 May '17, 10:34) gchq

In case anyone else has the same issue the email address is

sap underscore spam underscore

permanent link

answered 17 May '17, 14:02

gchq's gravatar image

accept rate: 36%

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question asked: 17 May '17, 09:51

question was seen: 2,562 times

last updated: 17 May '17, 14:02