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Is there any information on the viability of running MobiLink server 17 in a Windows container? I have tried windows:1809 and windowsservercore-1909 images and keep running into issues. It's really difficult to troubleshoot, because it appears that the process wants to open a popup window with an error, but doesn't seem to be getting that far (at least not visible to a compiled AutoIt script). The mlsrv.mle and designated output log are both present, and both zero length. An experiment in the host environment seems to indicate that those logs may not get written to until any error popup is closed (or at least created).

Has anyone successfully containerized MobiLink server for Windows? Is there a way to force MobiLink Server to write to logs and completely suppress all popups?

asked 20 Jul '20, 16:53

jes's gravatar image

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The -oq switch will prevent the popup dialog on startup errors.

(20 Jul '20, 17:00) Reg Domaratzki

Thank you! I've looked at the list of flags many times and thought I had that one in there already, but I was only using -q. This at least lets me continue to debug my container.

(20 Jul '20, 19:21) jes
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question asked: 20 Jul '20, 16:53

question was seen: 571 times

last updated: 20 Jul '20, 19:21