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Is ENG and DBN (connection parameters) is same for all databases in sql anywhere ? IF not then how can find a server name (ENG parameter) of a database ?

asked 09 Apr '20, 15:31

hg1735's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

No, they are not necessarily identical - just when you do not specify a server name when starting the database server (i.e. you have not used the dbsrvX -n server name option) the server is named after the first database started...

For a running database, the following will tell you both names:

select property('Name'), db_property('Name');
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answered 09 Apr '20, 15:54

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 09 Apr '20, 16:06

thank you sir :)

(09 Apr '20, 16:28) hg1735

Is there a way in which I can find server name without connecting the database ? when I tried to open dbisql utility to run above commmand I got error that isql.jar not found.

(10 Apr '20, 07:06) hg1735
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You can use the DBLOCATE utility to find running servers (and running databases) in your network neighborhood.

(10 Apr '20, 08:14) Volker Barth

I don't want to find in neighbour network. I want to find servers in my machine.I able to find server using dbisql in my vm but in my client's vm there isn't sql central and dbisql utility gives error that isql.jar not found. Do you have any idea about this error ?

(10 Apr '20, 10:15) hg1735
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question asked: 09 Apr '20, 15:31

question was seen: 1,929 times

last updated: 13 Apr '20, 10:34