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I'm running a .net framework version 4.6.1 application connecting to a ultralite version 17 database. The app is running on a tablet that is running Windows 10 (desktop version, not mobile). This is not a UWP or WinRT app. I am trying to replicate the database online and I keep getting SQLE SYNC INFO INVALID error. I've verified all the required parts are set in the sync object - version, user id, and stream property. I'm not setting any additional properties. My stream parms are:;/rs17/client/rs.dll/MY.STUFF.17;port=443 (changed to not real values). I am connected to the cellular network.

Also, I know everything is working on the Mobilink side because that server is being used for online replication from a UWP app.

Thanks for any ideas!


asked 14 Mar '19, 11:43

Paula's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi Paula,

Can you see the parameter for that error? It should tell you what field in particular is problematic.

And you are correct, this is a client error and doesn't indicate any problem with Mobilink.


(14 Mar '19, 19:34) Tim McClements

Thanks for info, Tim. I was missing 'url_suffix=' in the stream parameters. I wasn't looking at the stream parameters because I thought the only problems that would cause that error were version, user, and stream type. I guess that includes the stream parameters...I kinda feel dumb now :)

(15 Mar '19, 12:24) Paula
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I'm glad you resolved it! :-) I've added an answer for the record.

(15 Mar '19, 12:40) Tim McClements

The parameter for the SQLE_SYNC_INFO_INVALID error indicates which sync-info field is problematic. If there is a basic problem parsing the format of stream-parameters, the error parameter is "stream_parms". Further problems with stream-parameter values themselves are usually diagnosed separately.

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answered 15 Mar '19, 12:50

Tim%20McClements's gravatar image

Tim McClements
accept rate: 35%

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question asked: 14 Mar '19, 11:43

question was seen: 1,150 times

last updated: 15 Mar '19, 12:50