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Can I use (in production) Mr. Paulley SA 11 dialect for NHibernate?

I'm thinking starting using it, but in this blog post, he told that's beta.

Are anyone using it?

asked 25 Jan '10, 13:01

Zote's gravatar image

accept rate: 43%

I label all of the Hibernate and NHibernate dialects that I develop as "beta" because they are not included in the official NHibernate or Hibernate open-source distributions. Hence it would be inappropriate to label them as "GA" or "official" dialects. It is unclear to me whether or not the use of these dialects would be supported by JBoss/RedHat or other Hibernate/NHibernate consultants under their service agreements. On the other hand, it's open source.....

I am aware of customers using the dialects I have developed in production situations.

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answered 25 Jan '10, 14:57

Glenn%20Paulley's gravatar image

Glenn Paulley
accept rate: 43%

And merge it into Hibernate and NHibernate official source isn't an option?

(28 Oct '11, 12:25) Zote
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SQL Anywhere dialects are shipping with the current NHibernate 3.2.0 GA distribution, but there are a couple of issues with Julian Maughan's port of my source code. These are documented in my article

A fixed version will appear with NHibernate 3.2.1. Not sure when that maintenance release will ship, but I expect soon.

(31 Oct '11, 09:15) Glenn Paulley
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question asked: 25 Jan '10, 13:01

question was seen: 2,577 times

last updated: 23 Mar '13, 04:30