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Data from our consolidated database (SQL anywhere 12) is downloaded to a other SQL Anywhere 12 database with mobilink.

In mobilink monitor we see:

Download 1: fetch download: 2.358,187 send download: 18.687,516 (5613499 bytes)

Download 2: fetch download: 2.295,485 send download: 365,844 (29233006 bytes)

In some cases we see after about 6 hours active No and completed No. The data seems to be downloaded.

My questions is what happens during the send download and how can we monitor this.

asked 25 Sep '18, 09:32

ontsnapt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't understand the question.

(25 Sep '18, 09:48) Breck Carter

The question is why the send_download (Mobilink Monitor) takes sometimes 6 hours and somtimes 3 minutes.

Thanks Eric

(25 Sep '18, 09:51) ontsnapt

The send_download phase includes both the time it takes the ML Server to write the data to the stream and the time it takes for the remote database to apply the download. Is it possible that there was a lock on a row in the table in the remote database that was preventing the download from applying?

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answered 25 Sep '18, 11:34

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

Thanks for the answer. The send_download (Mobilink Monitor) is now running for 21 hours. In the remote database there are 0 connections. The data seems up to date.

I suppose that the remote will send something to the consolidated when the download is applied. Will the send_download ever stop when nothing is received?

(26 Sep '18, 03:23) ontsnapt
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> In the remote database there are 0 connections.

It seems strange that a download is running even though dbmlsync.exe is not connected to the remote database.

(26 Sep '18, 05:30) Breck Carter
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question asked: 25 Sep '18, 09:32

question was seen: 1,052 times

last updated: 26 Sep '18, 05:30